
木柵茶園及武夷岩茶 請教..

7 }; J. Q# u7 h" d3 g# [& L; Ftea for you非常感謝各位的幫忙!
9 C% w* _' Y1 t) l' eTea For You 茶藝論壇& h/ l' x2 M& Z
喔對 我是在東岸 離紐約不遠


原帖由 <I>will</I> 於 2010-4-9 13:47 發表 <A href="http://jft4u.com/chat/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=122088&ptid=8324" target=_blank><IMG alt="" src="http://jft4u.com/chat/images/common/back.gif" border=0></A> 不好意思;我中文不好。你說紐約的茶店嗎?我是洛杉磯人。五月去台北市.當然大陸有很多的岩茶;我2007去過武夷山,但是五月不會去。此外,買很好正岩茶不容易。我覺得台灣有幾個店有很好的岩茶;當然大陸比很貴。
</P>www.t4u.com.tw4 L. F, I+ y+ f2 s# i3 i
<P> </P>Tea For You 茶藝論壇' g2 j9 a$ j+ W( e
<P>Ok, for good rock teas you still should goto china.  But maybe you should try to make some friends on 三醉 and/or 清心 first and try to visit them.  For the price of the rock teas in Taiwan, you might as well buy from China/Taobao(掏寶) and mail it......</P>
9 F% F- P2 K; ztea for you<P> </P>
1 x9 Q; B# r) f) y3 B! gTea For You 茶藝論壇<P> </P>
' q. s# b2 Z1 [' f  otea,t4u<P>as for the shops often listed on the tour guides like the ones listed by someone above, they do not reflect the full strength of Taiwanese tea making, so if you feel disappointed, don't stop trying....</P>


原帖由 <i>idiot</i> 於 2010-4-11 17:24 發表 <a href="http://jft4u.com/chat/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=122745&ptid=8324" target="_blank"><img src="http://jft4u.com/chat/images/common/back.gif" alt="" border="0"></a>9 `" P7 Z2 O. R- Q
/ t) i8 n9 l6 W# p
7 ~& ]- m* D9 D9 G# `7 EOk, for good rock teas you still should goto china.  But maybe you should try to make some friends on 三醉 and/or 清心 first and try to visit them.
<br><br>idiot,謝謝您。 您的英文比我的中文好。我用英文回您。<br>I will take everyone's advice and try to stick to looking for 台灣茶和老普洱茶. I am on 三醉, and have talked to a few people from that area. Last time I was in 武夷山 was 3 years ago, and I had less experience, but I think to find the very best tea, you need some good connections there. Hopefully I will have a chance to visit again in the next couple of years.<br><br>
as for the shops often listed on the tour guides like the onestea,t4u% X$ }- D' z3 F0 W" g- E+ C* j" ~3 w4 d
listed by someone above, they do not reflect the full strength of
9 V" v4 I9 p4 D6 Itea,t4uTaiwanese tea making, so if you feel disappointed, don't stop trying....
<br>I haven't looked at any tour guides, but I do prefer to avoid touristy type places. Some people recommended famous old shops like <span class="adr" dir="ltr">新芳春 and </span><span class="adr" dir="ltr">王有記 over PM.<br>I have a friend who has mentioned </span>九壺堂茶莊 in the past - do you think it's worth giving him a call? Anywhere that you especially recommend for 紅水凍頂? Essentially, I am looking for balanced teas, that have a traditional level of oxidation and roast; not the greener style that's more popular now (but not over-fired either). Feel free to PM me if you don't want to recommend something publicly.<br><br>Luckily, I have a friend who owns a well-known tea house in Taipei and who is willing to take me to visit a tea farm they know in the 文山/木柵 area. So I think this will let me visit at least one tea farm. Maybe it's silly, but I did want to get the chance to see at least one tea farm while I'm in Taiwan.<br>


! S" y# Q( u: B. P/ n+ O, p* utea,t4u<P>他喝的岩茶才是級數,</P>
! s& R+ S2 @# e4 ktea,t4u<P>他沒有買賣,但前輩應該很樂意告訴您的.</P>


原帖由 福嫂 於 2010-4-13 07:53 發表
那個外行到不行的喔,級數是only so so



回復 15樓 的帖子

您這樣說 我真的不知是褒是貶
" p- q( i' u7 ~& L6 Ytea for you
1 c! H) j, }3 X! htea,t4u不過現在岩茶也很多反傳統的比賽影響類 清香型的了tea,t4u: o0 [! A; }# d" w8 P$ c2 t


原帖由 idiot 於 2010-4-13 09:20 發表
您這樣說 我真的不知是褒是貶

不過現在岩茶也很多反傳統的比賽影響類 清香型的了


回復 17樓 的帖子

8 N3 w; I/ r! dTea For You 茶藝論壇<P> </P>2 s' T5 x. V) r( g7 A( v
# Y4 ?2 t6 i" g; p4 d2 k) Hwww.t4u.com.tw<P> </P>www.t4u.com.tw% {& u; r3 Z" X3 r& b# R7 R




<>剛剛弟從內湖牛難爬山走路到我工作室途中</P>Tea For You 茶藝論壇( F0 v% z' I& O: B0 ^! M
, G7 n) u& p; y1 u' H; m# `' ztea,t4u<>手持雨傘斜點地,有如古代賤客一般...ㄜ打錯了是劍客啦</P>
7 g" D2 c' z, N; Htea,t4u<>口中大喊.....我是天下第一,我一招就可以把你们打趴,誰敢來與我一戰???</P>
0 U" u: ]/ G9 @5 Q+ Ctea,t4u<> </P>
3 D1 ?2 I9 M# Y( v4 C( E8 ~www.t4u.com.tw<>這等氣勢果然驚得路上人車紛紛走避,交通為之大亂</P>Tea For You 茶藝論壇8 K4 w& M! S4 }; R: Z
<>後來....後來....因為趕著上班就沒繼續看下去了 </P>
  • 建宏 金錢 +180 李大.我的一招受限.專克一招趴大溼 2010-4-13 12:18
一片二片三四片, 吃進肚子都不見

